r EXO's comeback was personally handled by producer Lee Soo Man."However, the production plan for the main song "Roar" from the re-released album is not yet complete. Choreography, MV filming, and ove...EXO was halfway through their makeup when they were called away by staff for a rehearsal. As they walked to the front stage, Kim Taeyeon happened to be rehearsing there. The nine members waited and watched her performance on the sidelines.
Taeyeon's stage was very interesting, with a delicately dressed fairy chair suspended from a crane. It was lifted very high, and she spent most of her time singing while sitting in mid-air.
This sister clearly saw EXO at the venue. After finishing her rehearsal, she was about to leave when she speciallyrevealed the members' scars and made them unhappy. This time, after the final tally, although Park Kyung-won came first, he only got four votes, which means not many people chose him.Many people choos...